Our charges:

Our overall fees vary depending upon how complex your case is and what you would like us to do. For a free quote specifically tailored to your circumstances please email [email protected] or telephone 01902 504411. We would be more than happy to discuss your case.

To give you an idea of how we charge however, and to comply the SRA price transparency rules, we have set out below details of our fees.

Our charges are made up of:

a) our fees for the legal work;
b) ‘disbursements’ - disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to other people, such as probate application fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

Where VAT is referred to below please note that this will be charged at the applicable rate, which is currently 20%.

How much do we charge?

Our fees

Standard probate work

Applying for a ‘Grant of Probate’ and collecting and distributing assets in a ‘simple’ matter is the most common type of probate work which we deal with. Namely, where someone has passed away leaving a valid will which is not disputed, the beneficiaries can be easily ascertained and there is not a very large or complex estate to divide up.

Our fees for this work will either be agreed with you as a fixed sum at the start of our work together or based on how much time it takes to deal with your case. Our standard hourly rates are £250.00 plus VAT for Mr Lee James Trubshaw. Normally this sort of matter takes between 6 and12 hours work at £250.00per hour (plus VAT at 20%). Total costs therefore tend to be in the region of £1500.00 - £3000 (plus VAT at 20%). Fixed fees would typically fall within these ball park estimates also. We may also charge an additional fee to reflect the complexity and value of the matter.  This is usually ½ % of the value of property held by the estate and 1% of the value of other assets.

The total costs will depend upon how straight forward or complicated the case is. For example, if someone has died leaving only one beneficiary in an undisputed will and no property, then costs would be at the lower end of the range because it will be simple to administer. If there are multiple beneficiaries, a property and multiple bank accounts however, costs will be at the higher end even if the will is still not disputed.

We would still be delighted to work with you in more complicated matters but would need to give you a quotation for the work tailored to your individual circumstances. Please contact us to learn more.


Disbursements are payments that we make to third parties on your behalf. These are separate payments for which the estate is liable in addition to our costs as described above.

Typical disbursements in Probate matters are:

  • Probate application fee, which is currently: £300 plus £1.50 for every extra office copy of the Grant of Probate which you require;
  • Land registry search fees: £7.00 per copy
  • Legal notice which requires posting in The London Gazette (this can help protect against unexpected claims from unknown creditors): £150 - £200.
  • Bankruptcy Search (for the deceased) £2.40
  • Bankruptcy Search (for each Beneficiary for each distribution) £2.40 Other costs to consider

We may instruct third parties (e.g. expert witnesses, anti-money laundering e-verification fees, cost draftsperson) to provide services to you. You are responsible for the sums charged by third parties and their services are provided to you on their terms.

Other costs to consider

Please note that the costs estimates above do not include any additional costs incurred in disposing of estate assets such as the sale or any property or business.

How long will this take?

Generally speaking, ‘simple’ estate matters such as those described above can normally be dealt with within 12 -24 months. This is broken down into the following stages, with rough time estimates for each stage as follows:

  • applying for the grant of probate: 3 to 6 months.
  • notifying asset holders and place legal notices: 6 to 12 months
  • distributing the assets: 12 to 24 months;
  • Preparing the estate accounts.

Key stages of your case

The precise stages involved vary according to the circumstances. The guidance on our fees above covers the work in relation to the following key stages a ‘simple’ probate process:

  • Identifying the executors and beneficiaries
  • Checking the type of Probate application you will require
  • Obtaining the relevant documents required to make the application
  • Completing the Probate Application and the relevant HMRC forms
  • Drafting a legal oath for swearing
  • Making the application for probate
  • Obtaining the Probate and distributing copies as necessary
  • Collecting and distributing the assets of the estate

It would not normally be necessary to undertake other work or incur costs other than those described above. However, we would be very happy to provide you with a more tailored quote for all stages of your particular case once we know about your specific circumstances.

Who will be dealing with my matter?

Your probate matter will be handled by a trusted member of our experienced probate team namely, Mr Lee James Trubshaw who is a Consultant Solicitor. His experience and qualifications are as follows:

Lee James Trubshaw (Consultant Solicitor)

  • Solicitor of England & Wales
  • Date of Admission to the role of Solicitors – 2 nd November 1998
  • Type of work undertaken: Advising, drafting and preparation of wills. Applying for probate and distribution of the estate as required.

Regardless of who is working on your case the matter will be supervised by one of our partners:

Sanjay Nena (Partner)

  • Solicitor of England & Wales
  • Date of Admission to the role of Solicitors - 15 th October 2004
  • Type of work undertaken: All contentious and non-contentious employment law related matters on behalf of employers and employees within the jurisdiction of England & Wales

Jaskaran Singh Dhillon (Partner)

  • Solicitor of England & Wales
  • Date of Admission to the role of Solicitors - 15 th October 2007
  • Type of work undertaken: Matrimonial, Family and Child Law.